We had a requirement of Usage Report of preceding month i.e.
The usage of files in a document library needs to be sent for customer as an attachment
For this we have fetched the data from audit logs as below
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint. Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint. Powershell
#Global Variables
$site=Get-SPSite "siteurl"
$web=get-SPWeb "weburl"
$fromaddress = "abc@domain.com"
$toaddress = "def@domain.com"
$ccaddress = "ghi@domain.com"
$auditloglib=$web.Lists[" AuditLogReports"]
$context = Get-SPServiceContext $site
$date = get-date
$numdays = $date.Day
$ed = $date.AddDays(-$numdays)
$numdays = $ed.Day
$sd = $ed.AddDays( -$numdays + 1)
$sd = ((($sd.AddHours(0-$sd.hour)). AddMinutes(0-$sd.Minute)). AddSeconds(0-$sd.Second)). AddMilliseconds(0-$sd. millisecond)
$ed = $ed.AddDays(1)
$ed = ((($ed.AddHours(0-$ed.hour)). AddMinutes(0-$ed.Minute)). AddSeconds(0-$ed.Second)). AddMilliseconds(0-$ed. millisecond)
#EndRegion Global Variables
#Region Nucleus Usage Report
$wssQuery = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SharePoint. SPAuditQuery($site)
$Headers = 'Section,Folder, File,Noof Downloads,Noof ViewCounts,Document Path,Last Updated,Vertical / Service line related details1,Vertical / Service line related details2,Vertical / Service line related details3'
$filename = "D:\UsageReports\UsageReport-" + $sd.Date.Date.ToString("MMM") + $sd.Date.Date.ToString("yy")+$ reportid + ".csv"
Add-Content $filename $Headers
$Items = $list.items
Write-Host "Item Count" + $Items.Count
foreach($MItem in $Items)
$wssquery.RestrictToListItem($ MItem)
$auditCol = $site.Audit.GetEntries($ wssQuery)
Write-Host "Audit Count" + $auditCol.Count
$viewcount = 0
$DownloadCount = 0
if($auditCol.Count -gt 0)
foreach($auditEntry in $auditCol)
if($auditEntry.EventSource -eq 'SharePoint')
elseif($auditEntry.EventSource -eq 'ObjectModel')
$ItemDetails = $MItem.Url.Split('/')
Write-Host "Item Count" + $ItemDetails.Count
if($ItemDetails.Count -eq 2) { $DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + "NA" + "," + $ItemDetails[1] + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $viewcount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"] + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + $MItem.Url}
ElseIf($ItemDetails.Count -eq 3) { $DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + $ItemDetails[1] + "," + $ItemDetails[2] + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $viewcount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"] + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + $MItem.Url}
ElseIf($ItemDetails.Count -eq 4) { $DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + $ItemDetails[1] + "," + $ItemDetails[3] + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $viewcount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"] + "," + $ItemDetails[2] + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + $MItem.Url}
ElseIf($ItemDetails.Count -eq 5) { $DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + $ItemDetails[1] + "," + $ItemDetails[4] + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $viewcount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"] + "," + $ItemDetails[2] + "," + $ItemDetails[3] + "," + "NA" + "," + $MItem.Url}
ElseIf($ItemDetails.Count -eq 6) { $DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + $ItemDetails[1] + "," + $ItemDetails[5] + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $viewcount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"] + "," + $ItemDetails[2] + "," + $ItemDetails[3] + "," + $ItemDetails[4] + "," + $MItem.Url}
{ $DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + $ItemDetails[1] + "," + $ItemDetails[5] + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $viewcount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"] + "," + $ItemDetails[2] + "," + $ItemDetails[3] + "," + $ItemDetails[4] + "," + $MItem.Url}
#default {}
Write-Host $DocDetails
#$DocDetails = "Sales Tools" + "," + $viewcount + "," + $DownloadCount + "," + $MItem.Url + "," + $MItem["Modified"]
Add-Content $filename $DocDetails
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $filename -Force -Recurse
foreach ($file in $files)
$stream = $file.OpenRead()
$done= $auditloglib.RootFolder.Files. Add($file.Name, $stream, $true)
Write-Host $done.Name "Uploaded into the Document Library"$auditloglib -BackgroundColor Green
#############Email for Usage Report######################## ############
$Subject = "Usage Report-" + $sd.Date.Date.ToString("MMM")+ $sd.Date.Date.ToString("yy")
$body = "Hi, Please find attached Usage report for the Month :" + $sd.Date.Date.ToString("MMM") +$sd.Date.Date.ToString("yy")
$attachment = $filename
#SMTP IP Address of Production
$smtpserver = "IP Address"
$message = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$message.From = $fromaddress
$message.IsBodyHtml = $True
$message.Subject = $Subject
$attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($ attachment)
$message.Attachments.Add($ attach)
$message.body = $body
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($ smtpserver)
############################## #########################
Write-Host "Error for File : " $i."Name"
Add-Content D:\Logs\UsageReport\ UsageLogReport.txt $DocNameError
#EndRegion Usage Report
Finally we got the required email triggered as an attachment as below
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